“If you want to take beautiful photos, stand in front of beautiful things

Jim Richardson, National Geographic

April Featured Photo – Caspian Tern

Each month I will feature a single photo or set of photos and include the story behind the story. This month I chose a bird that I’ve never photographed until last year, the Caspian Tern

These birds are fun to watch with their razor sharp bright red fish-knife bill and gimbal but hard to photograph arial dives. They feed mostly on fish, which they hover over an area, spot the fish and dive head first, sometimes swallowing their catch whole before coming up.

This particular day, I was watching them soar but was having trouble keeping them in focus with their erratic behavior. Finally, one went down about 40 yards in front of me. I waited until I thought he would come up and bam….hit the shutter hard. He was upside down with water spraying all over and red bill sticking straight up in the air.

I hope you enjoy it almost as much as I did shooting it in action……Rich

Going to the mountain is like going home

John Muir