“If you want to take beautiful photos, stand in front of beautiful things

Jim Richardson, National Geographic

May Featured Photos – Snowy Egret With Fish

Each month I will feature a single photo or set of photos and include the story behind the story. This month I chose a bird that I’ve often photographed, but never had the opportunity to view his habits this close. I hid in the bushes with full camouflage and waited.

These birds are fun to watch with their razor sharp beaks, but I’ve only been able to view from a distance in the past. Usually if I’m in the same zip code as them, they sense it and move 20-30 years away and I’ve never gotten the action shot I wanted. To watch them fish and have success.

Just recently, I was watching this particular egret patiently waiting for a small fish to appear. When one didn’t present, it would stealthily move just a couple feet away and stay silent without moving. Then BAM, the fish appeared, it went down to catch him in its beak, then hop a few feet to get a better grip, then swallowed him whole. In the last picture, look at his throat. You can see the outline of the fish right there.

I hope you enjoy it almost as much as I did shooting it in action……Rich

Going to the mountain is like going home

John Muir